
When you donate your accepted waste to Chaffinch, it is guaranteed to be recycled. No need to worry that it might end up in landfill or shipped overseas for disposal. Keep reading to find out more about how it all works and what amazing things can happen to your rubbish…

What difference does this project make?

Aside from the impact recycling has on the health of our planet, donating these items to Chaffinch has another benefit: Every item of accepted waste is guaranteed to be recycled and every item generates funds for Chaffinch!

For every kilogram of waste Chaffinch can send to Terracycle for recycling, we receive much-needed funds.

The amount we receive varies depending on the type of waste collected.

Your waste could turn into:

A loaf of bread to feed children who would otherwise go hungry. A pencil and exercise book allowing a child to go to school. Medication to treat the killer disease, malaria.

And many more of life’s essentials…

“Turn bread bags into loaves of bread!”

“Your biscuit wrappers could ‘become’ a pair of shoes for a child who has none.”

“Donating your coffee packaging could buy sanitary items that keep a girl in school!”

How does my donated waste get recycled?

Thanks to Terracycle, all your donated hard-to-recycle waste can have a new life.


What does my donated waste become?

The items you donate for recycling can be turned into all kinds of amazing things from tables and chairs to watering cans and even children’s play equipment! You can check out more on Terracycle’s website. Just click here.

What can I donate for recycling?

Recycle your biscuit wrappers

This plastic packaging is notoriously difficult to recycle.

That plastic composite packaging from your favourite biscuits needs specialist treatment to be recycled so be sure to donate it so it won’t end up in landfill.


Recycle your bread packaging

Bread is a common item in homes up and down the country but very little of the packaging ever gets recycled.

Whatever your favourite type of bread, we can probably accept the packaging for recycling.

Bread isn’t only common in the UK. The children we support in Kenya also like a slice! Here’s your opportunity to turn your empty bread packaging back into a loaf of bread. You’re a magician!

How can I donate my waste?

If you are in the York area (Chaffinch’s ‘base of operations’), donating your waste is very simple see the collection points below.

If you are not in the York area but would like to get involved, please complete the form at the bottom of this page and someone will be in touch to tell you more!

Collection Points in York

There are several public collection points available:

Visioncare Optometry, YO24 4LZ;
36 Calf Close, Haxby, YO32 3NS;
5 Ryemoor Road, Haxby, YO32 2GX;

Several churches/church halls/businesses also host collection points for those who use their facilities. Keep an eye open! If your place of work or leisure is interested in hosting a collection point, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page for further details.

Other options may be available within the York area. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page for further details.


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